
Problem: Bonetrousle

To solve the query, we can first set a minumum set everytime, [1, 2, 3] for example. In order to make the sum of set to reach a bigger number, we can increase each number to possibly maximum number. For example, we can increase 3 to 9 to make the sum equals to 12. If the biggest available number is 8, we can first increase 3 to 8, then use the same method on the remaining leading numbers to solve the problem.

Code in Python:

t = input()
for _ in xrange(t): 
    n, k, b = map(int, raw_input().strip().split(' ')) 
    if k < b: 
        print -1 
    res = range(1, b+1) 
    s = sum(res) 
    if s > n: 
        print -1 
    for i in xrange(b-1, -1, -1): 
        diff = min(n-s, k-(b-1-i)-res[i]) 
        s += diff 
        res[i] += diff 
    if s != n: 
        print -1 
    for r in res: 
        print r, 

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