Flipping the Matrix

Problem: Flipping the Matrix

In this problem, each single location in the upper-left quarter can be replaced by other 3 numbers: the number reachable by horizontal flipping, the number reachable by vertical flipping and the number reachable by operating each flipping once.

For example, in the following matrix

If we want 6 changed to 7 and remain other numbers in the upper-left quarter the same, we can first do a horizontal flip.

Then we need to make number 5 come back. We can do vertical flip in 1st and 4th column.

Then we can do a horizontal flip in the 3rd row.

At last we do a vertical flip on 1st column and we can get number 5 back.

This process proves that we can achieve a upper-left quarter with biggest sum by assigning biggest possible number from 4 choices to each location.

Code in Python:

q = input()
for _ in xrange(q): 
    n = input() 
    m = [] 
    for i in xrange(2*n): 
        m.append(map(int, raw_input().strip().split(' '))) 
    res = 0 
    for i in xrange(n): 
        for j in xrange(n): 
            res += max([m[i][j], m[2*n-i-1][j], m[i][2*n-j-1], m[2*n-i-1][2*n-j-1]])
    print res

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