Rectangle Area

Problem: Rectangle Area

We need to calculate areas of two rectangles, add them up and subtract the overlapping area. In my solution, I assume E may be left to A or something like that and do a lot of dirty works, kind of situations not in test cases. Another faster solution fits test cases better while it's not a universal one.

Code in Python:

class Solution(object):
    def computeArea(self, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H):
        :type A: int
        :type B: int
        :type C: int
        :type D: int
        :type E: int
        :type F: int
        :type G: int
        :type H: int
        :rtype: int
        width1, height1 = (A, C), (B, D)
        width2, height2 = (E, G), (F, H)
        width0, height0 = self.intersect(width1, width2), self.intersect(height1, height2)
        return (width1[1]-width1[0])*(height1[1]-height1[0])+(width2[1]-width2[0])*(height2[1]-height2[0])-(width0[1]-width0[0])*(height0[1]-height0[0])

    def intersect(self, interval1, interval2):
        if interval1[0] > interval2[0]: interval1, interval2 = interval2, interval1

        if interval1[1] <= interval2[0]: return (0, 0)
        elif interval2[0] <= interval1[1] and interval1[1] <= interval2[1]: return (interval2[0], interval1[1])
        else: return (interval2[0], interval2[1])

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