Encode and Decode Strings

Problem: Encode and Decode Strings

We can add length of string into encoded strings so that we can decode successfully. To tell the length from characters, we can use a special symbol.

Code in Python:

class Codec:

    def encode(self, strs):
        """Encodes a list of strings to a single string.

        :type strs: List[str]
        :rtype: str
        res = ""
        for string in strs:
            res += str(len(string))+"/"+string
        return res

    def decode(self, s):
        """Decodes a single string to a list of strings.

        :type s: str
        :rtype: List[str]
        res = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(s):
            j = s.find("/", i)
            i = j+int(s[i:j])+1
        return res

results matching ""

    No results matching ""